Objective of VKGUY is to promote exports of :
Agricultural Produce and their value added products
Minor Forest Produce and their value added variants
Gram Udyog Products
Forest Based Products
Other Products, as notified from time to time.
Duty Credit Scrip benefits are granted with an aim to compensate high transport costs, and to offset other disadvantages Exporters, of products notified shall be entitled for Duty Credit Scrip equivalent to 5% of FOB value of exports (in free foreign exchange) for exports made from 27.08.09 onwards. However, for exports made w.e.f 27.08.09, some Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables and other products, as listed shall be entitled to an additional duty credit scrip equivalent to 2% of FOB value of exports; over and above the 5% or 3%.
Kindly Contact Us for further information / Clarification.